KDIGO ADPKD Guideline Available for Public Review

The KDIGO Clinical Practice Guideline for the Evaluation, Management, and Treatment of Autosomal Polycystic Kidney Disease (ADPKD) is now available for public review. We invite you to review this guideline and share your candid comments and suggestions. A final revised version will be prepared for publication based on the feedback received during this open comment period. We kindly request that you submit your feedback no later than Friday, November 17th.


You can download the KDIGO ADPKD Guideline Public Review Draft and Data Supplement on the guideline website and share comments via feedback surveys.


The goal of the guideline is to generate a useful resource for clinicians and patients by providing actionable recommendations with infographics based on a rigorous, formal, systematic literature review. Another aim is to propose research recommendations for areas in which there are gaps in knowledge. The ADPKD Guideline is co-chaired by Olivier Devuyst, MD, PhD (Switzerland), and Vicente Torres, MD, PhD (United States).


By agreeing to provide feedback on a KDIGO draft guideline document, you permit KDIGO to acknowledge your participation as a reviewer in the final publication. Please note that only completed surveys will be acknowledged.
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