KDIGO Direct – May 2022

The latest news and updates from KDIGO
May 2022
KDIGO Hosts Symptom-Based Complications in Dialysis Controversies Conference
KDIGO hosted the Symptom-Based Complications in Dialysis Controversies Conference from May 6 – 9 in Berlin, Germany. The Controversies Conference was co-chaired by Dr. Edwina Brown (Imperial College London, UK) and Dr. Raj Mehrotra (University of Washington, United States).
“We are thrilled with the success of this KDIGO Controversies Conference,” said Dr. Brown. “It marks a terrific step in the road map to embedding person-centered care for people on dialysis.”
The Symptom-Based Complications in Dialysis Controversies Conference was the fourth KDIGO Controversies Conference in the dialysis series. The first, Dialysis Initiation, Modality Choice, Access, and Prescription (2018), cemented the understanding that choice of dialysis modality plays a central role in an individualized and goal-directed approach to initiating kidney replacement therapy. The second KDIGO dialysis Controversies Conference (2019), addressed blood pressure and volume management in dialysis. The third meeting (2021), focused on the utility and adoption of home dialysis. This conference sought to identify the optimal means for the diagnosis, management, and treatment of symptom-based complications in patients undergoing dialysis therapy. 
The patient voice in dialysis was critical to this conference, including that of dialysis patient and psychotherapist, Jayne Pigford (United Kingdom). “I was absolutely moved to my core as a patient on hearing the determination of a beautiful, humane nephrology community of doctors and nurses trying to find solutions—alongside patients—to our awful symptoms, such as pain, fatigue, anxiety, and depression. I greatly appreciated the opportunity.”

This marked the first KDIGO Controversies Conference with both in-person and virtual attendance options, which proved to be an effective model. “It was a truly successful and impactful hybrid meeting,” said Dr. Mehrotra. “We had a highly engaged group of experts discussing critical issues facing patients experiencing complications in dialysis. We hope that this conference will help change the paradigm of clinical care for people on dialysis.”
Scope of Work: Improving CKD Quality of Care Controversies Conference
KDIGO invites you to share your feedback on the Scope of Work for the Controversies Conference, Improving CKD Quality of Care: Trends and Perspectives. The Conference will take place in Berlin, Germany, in June 2022 and will be co-chaired by Dr. Kai-Uwe Eckardt (Charité Berlin, Germany) and Dr. Holly Mattix-Kramer (Loyola University Chicago, United States).
The Scope of Work and feedback form can be found on the KDIGO Improving CKD Quality of Care: Trends and Perspectives Controversies Conference Website. Kindly submit your comments via the feedback form no later than Wednesday, June 1.
This Controversies Conference will examine and discuss best practices for improving the precision of CKD diagnosis and prognosis, managing CKD complications, enhancing the safety of care, and maximizing patient quality of life. Much attention has been centered on the role of GFR and albuminuria in CKD management, while there has been less emphasis on the cause of CKD. This forward-looking conference intends to revisit the importance of accurate CKD diagnosis and how current concepts about disease variability and treatment heterogeneity may improve prognostication and identification of proper treatments and enhance the quality of care.
Upcoming Webinars and Events
ERA 59th Annual Congress
Paris, France & Virtual; May 19 – 22
Are you attending the ERA 59th Annual Congress in Paris? Make sure to stop by the KDIGO Booth (#D700) to say hello to the team, get the latest updates on KDIGO Guidelines and Conferences, and pick up materials KDIGO has designed for the Congress.
We hope to see you there!
Episode 9 of the KDIGO Genetics in CKD Webinar Series
Thursday, May 26 at 11:00 AM EDT/5:00 PM CEST
Join us for Episode 9 of the KDIGO Genetics in CKD Webinar Series, The Role of Polygenic Risk Scores in Nephrology, on Thursday, May 26.
In this episode, Krzysztof Kiryluk, MD, MS (United States), and Matthias Wuttke, MD (Germany), will discuss polygenic risk scores (PRS), their definition, and the implications for nephrology. This webinar will explain the concepts and limitations of PRS and address the role of PRS in risk prediction studies. In addition, Dr. Kiryluk and Dr. Wuttke will explore the potential clinical applications of PRS.
You can now ask your top questions in advance in the Questions and Comments field on the registration page. Register for Episode 9.
KDIGO Resources
Conference Report: KDIGO Controversies Conference on Genetics in CKD
The KDIGO Controversies Conference on Genetics in CKD Conference Report (corrected proof) is now available. This Controversies Conference examined several issues related to monogenic kidney diseases, complex kidney diseases, applying genetic findings in clinical medicine, and using genomics for defining and stratifying CKD.
Drs. Anna Köttgen (University of Freiburg, Germany) and Ali Gharavi (Columbia University, United States) co-chaired this conference. Plenary presentations from the meeting and related webinars, including the KDIGO Genetics in CKD Webinar Series can be found on The KDIGO Genetics in CKD Controversies Conference website has additional resources, including plenary presentations from the meeting and related webinars. Read the Conference Report..
Recording: Episode 8 of the KDIGO Genetics in CKD Webinar Series
You can now watch Episode 8 of the KDIGO Genetics in CKD Webinar Series, The Patient Voice in Genetic Testing.
In this episode, André Weinstock, PhD, MSAS (United States), and Judith Savige, FRCP, FRACP, FRCPA, PhD, MSc, MBA (Australia), discuss what we can learn from patient perspectives on expectations and concerns for genetic testing.
This webinar explores the social implications, ethical issues, and cost concerns for genetic testing from a global perspective. The speakers also address how best to convey results in patient-friendly terms and the rationale for testing even when treatments may not be readily available. Watch the recording.
KDIGO is a Belgian foundation committed to developing and implementing nephrology guidelines that improve patient outcomes on a global basis. KDIGO is independent, volunteer-led, self-managed, and accountable to the public and the patients it serves. Learn More.


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