
In 2018, the first KDIGO dialysis Controversies Conference, Dialysis Initiation, Modality Choice, Access, and Prescription, cemented the understanding that choice of dialysis modality plays a central role in an individualized and goal-directed approach to initiating kidney replacement therapy. The second KDIGO dialysis Controversies Conference, held in 2019, addressed Blood Pressure and Volume Management in Dialysis, both of which are significantly, and variably, impacted by dialysis modality. The third meeting of the KDIGO dialysis Controversies Conference series focused on the utility and adoption of Home Dialysis, and was held in 2021. This was the fourth conference in the dialysis series which identified the optimal means for the diagnosis, management and treatment of symptom-based complications in patients undergoing dialysis therapy.

Drs. Edwina Brown (Imperial College London, UK) and Raj Mehrotra (University of Washington, USA) co-chaired this conference.


Plenary Presentations

Symptom Burden in People on Dialysis

Symptom Perception: A Biopsychosocial Perspective

Evidence for Symptom Management

Patient Perspectives of Symptoms Panel Discussion



KDIGO Symptom-Based Complications in Dialysis Webinar SeriesĀ 



This series was supported by an unrestricted educational grant from Vifor Pharma and Cara Therapeutics.

