Anemia and disordered iron homeostasis are prevalent in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) and associated with significant adverse consequences. As such, in December 2019 KDIGO gathered together a global panel of multidisciplinary clinical and scientific expertise to identify key issues relevant to the optimal management of anemia in CKD.


The KDIGO Optimal Anemia Management in CKD Conference focused largely on iron, including the contribution of iron pathophysiology to the anemia of CKD and adverse patient outcomes, iron therapeutic agents, and the impact of other current and emerging anemia therapies on hemoglobin targets, iron parameters, and iron supplementation needs. The goal of this KDIGO conference was to determine best practice and areas of uncertainties in the treatment of anemia, review key relevant literature published since the 2012 KDIGO Anemia Guideline, identify new topics or issues to be revisited for the next iteration of the KDIGO guideline, and outline research needed to improve anemia management in CKD.


Drs. Tilman B. Drüeke (INSERM U-1018, Hôpital Paul Brousse, Villejuif, France) and Jodie L. Babitt (Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, USA) co-chaired this conference.




Plenary session presentations