
BRUSSELS, BELGIUM – Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) is committed to keeping its guidelines up-to-date. Following the publication of the results of the Systolic Blood Pressure Intervention Trial (SPRINT) in the New England Journal of Medicine on November 9th, KDIGO is planning to reexamine the recommendations contained in the KDIGO Clinical Practice Guideline for the Management of Blood Pressure in Chronic Kidney Disease, which was published in Kidney International Supplements in December 2012.

“KDIGO has noted the publication of the Systolic Blood Pressure Intervention Trial (SPRINT) results and has launched a process to review these and other new data to determine if revisions to its Blood Pressure Guideline are required. Clinicians who read the guideline should also refer to the SPRINT trial results available here.”

Dr. David Wheeler, KDIGO Co-Chair and one of the leaders of the 2012 guideline development process said, “KDIGO aims to develop evidence-based clinical practice guidelines for the global kidney community. We recognize the importance of updating the recommendations contained within these guidelines when new evidence becomes available.”

“When we wrote the blood pressure guideline, we were aware of the ongoing SPRINT study and predicted that the results might lead to a change in our recommendations. As it turns out, the trial clarifies the benefits of strict blood pressure control in a large group of 9361 participants including 2648 individuals with chronic kidney disease. Although the results in the subgroup of people with kidney disease may not be conclusive on their own, we need to view them in the context of other smaller studies that have examined the same issue. To this end, we plan to conduct another review of all the available evidence and to convene a Work Group early in 2016 to advise us on whether the 2012 recommendations need to be modified,” Dr. Wheeler added.

Until the guideline update process is concluded, KDIGO will include the following statement in the online version of the blood pressure guideline:

“KDIGO has noted the publication of the Systolic Blood Pressure Intervention Trial (SPRINT) results and has launched a process to review these and other new data to determine if revisions to its Blood Pressure Guideline are required. Clinicians who read the guideline should also refer to the SPRINT trial results available here.”

This message will appear on the KDIGO website, www.kdigo.org, and on the KDIGO app. If the appointed Work Group decides that revisions to the Blood Pressure recommendations are necessary, an update of the relevant guideline statements to replace the current versions will be developed as appropriate.

KDIGO is a Belgian foundation committed to developing and implementing nephrology guidelines that improve patient outcomes on a global basis.

For further information please contact KDIGO at KDIGOcommunications@kdigo.org.

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