
In preparation for the meeting the conference co-chairs (Francesco Locatelli and Allen Nissenson) worked together with the KDIGO co-chairs (Norbert Lameire, Kai-Uwe Eckardt, and Garabed Eknoyan) to define the issues to be addressed; evaluate on-going clinical trials in the treatment of anemia in CKD, cancer, and cardiovascular disease; and compile the participant list. Invited participants included the leadership of five principal guideline development organizations (CARI, CSN, EBPG, KDOQI, UK-RA); their experts in the development and implementation of guidelines, methodologists, specialists in quality of life measurement in CKD, and other investigators in the field.

The meeting started with a plenary session during which presentations provided a comparison of the methodology and recommended hemoglobin targets of the five principal guidelines published in English; the evidence base of the recommendations of the KDOQI 2007 update; an overview of the status of new erythropoeisis stimulating agents (ESA) and iron supplements; the design and timeline of the ongoing TREAT study, the merits and limitations of quality of life studies in CKD; and the need for coordination of future guidelines on anemia in CKD. The participants then met in two breakout groups to address the topics covered and a number of specific questions designed to consider what we know, what we can do with what is known, and what we still need to know. The recommendations of each breakout groups were then presented by their respective leaders and rapporteurs (Rowan Walker, David Wheeler, Brendan Barrett, Francesco Locatelli, and Allen Nissenson) to the entire group for discussion and refinement.